There are many ways in which we can support our children’s health and what I offer is not an alternative to medical professional help but a way to compliment them. In the children's clinic I support their health by using Kinesiology, BWRT, EFT, Reiki, Food Sensitivity Testing and assessing their Primitive Reflexes. The treatments are safe and holistic and may require extra support such as nutritional supplements or Flower Remedies.


Systematic Kinesiology is a non-invasive, safe form of natural health care which aims to get to the root of a health issue and to discover any imbalances you may have in your body, no matter how small. Muscle testing is used to reveal the imbalance causing your ill health, whether it manifests as a physical or emotional problem. Once found a treatment plan is devised to support your child/children.

Kinesiology techniques are extremely effective and here are some of the conditions for which people choose Kinesiology:

  • Anxiety, anger, fear, worry
  • Digestive problems
  • Parasites
  • Allergies and sensitivities - pets, food, hay fever
  • Skin problems – eczema, itchy skin
  • Learning difficulties
  • Hyperactivity, behavioural problems
  • Coughs and colds

Emotional support for children and young people suffering from stress, anxiety, fear and depression

Kinesiology is a safe form of natural healthcare that can support your children and teenagers back to good emotional health.

Today’s world can be very challenging for children and young people and they face many pressures such as bullying, exams, peer pressure and social media, not to mention the last few years of disruption for them. For some, their fears, worries and experiences can be daunting and difficult to explain and some of what they experience can go unnoticed by adults.

Some children and young people find it easy to talk about their fears and anxieties whilst others don’t. Very often they have no idea why they feel as they do. Some bury their feelings and these feelings can stay buried until they manifest later in life. It is so important to nip this in the bud and deal with what is concerning them. This can be achieved naturally and sensitively. Kinesiology is fantastic for supporting children and teenagers with emotional issues and is especially brilliant when they can’t or don’t wish to talk about what troubles them. By using Kinesiology muscle testing what is concerning them can be quickly revealed and they can be sensitively and gently supported back to good emotional health.

Food Sensitivity Testing

Diet and nutrients are important elements of health and well-being. We are regularly informed about the benefits of a healthy diet and what helps and what harms us and our children. What is known is that our bodies require good nutrients and if our bodies lack them then an imbalance could occur. Our diet can also be responsible for allergies, sensitivities or intolerance's. This will not always be clear as it can take a while for the food to digest for symptoms to become evident. These are some of the symptoms that could indicate an intolerance or sensitivity:

  • Itchy skin, rashes or eczema
  • Diarrhoea, stomach ache, colic, vomiting, wind
  • Hyperactivity, sleeplessness, poor concentration
  • Feeling tired, lethargy
  • Frequent colds, high mucus production, constant sniffing
  • Sore throat, frequent earache, cough, asthma

One of the wonderful things about Kinesiology is that we can use muscle response testing to find out what we are lacking and also what affects us. The simple muscle testing can quickly identify which foods are causing a health problem. We are all different and what one person may be sensitive to another is not. Once a food sensitivity is identified a treatment plan is devised to support your child/children which includes dietary advice and possible nutritional supplements.

Retained Primitive Reflexes

Primitive Reflexes are essential in the initial weeks and months of a baby’s life and assist in a baby’s survival in these early months of life. These reflexes, based in the brain stem, naturally inhibit during the first year of baby’s life. If they are not properly integrated, they can inhibit neurological development.

Retained primitive reflexes can lead to a number of difficulties such as:

  • Coordination and balance
  • Sleep
  • Poor concentration
  • Fine motor skills
  • Dyslexia, dyspraxia
  • Allergies
  • Poor social skills
  • Insecurity, fear, anger, tantrums
  • Lack of confidence, shyness
  • and many, many more, the list is endless

Enabling the reflexes to integrate involves a holistic treatment. During the session, a range of Kinesiology tests will simply identify which of the reflexes are not integrated and once identified the treatment is performed to support the body’s ability to integrate them. Where necessary, other kinesiology techniques are used in supporting the body and balancing process.

To find out more about how the children's clinic can help your child/children please contact Toni